
There is ALWAYS Room for Dessert!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Oven is On~Come on In!!!

Hello friends of Little Kelly Cake’s. After the rush of the holidays, I needed to take some time off to focus on my health, both physical and emotional well-being. To be very brief, I have searched for a very long time, almost ten years in fact, trying to find out what is wrong with me. So, the past few months I have been travelling to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I went for a few days in January and then, I had to go back in February for surgery.  The good news is I finally have a diagnosis.  I have also discovered a new passion: writing.  If you would like to know more and would like to read/follow, please visit my website. You will need to enter your email and a password to read the entries and post messages. http://www.carepages.com/ My website name is shoediva. The Little Kelly Cakes blog is not really the place for me to discuss what happened, but it is the place for me to make money to pay for the trip!!
The oven is back on at Little Kelly Cakes and I am ready to BAKE!!  Actually, I have been baking already.  I tried out a new flavor before I had my surgery. Now, I have made it pretty clear that I don’t like cheesecake, but I think this one is an exception……a BIG exception. I made this for my W.O.W (Women of Worth) ladies life group. Good thing we were at a bible study because cheesecake was sinfully good and we could ask for forgiveness!! OK, already, I have kept you in suspense long enough.  It was a Chocolate Mocha Mint Cheesecake……the only thing it didn’t have in there was the kitchen sink!!  Seriously, there was milk, semi, dark chocolate; cocoa; coffee; kahlua; fudge mint cookies; and oh yeah cream cheese~you have to cream cheese. I think my eyes rolled back in my head when I ate this.  The mix of all the chocolates is just right and the mocha flavor enhances the chocolate without being to bold and overpowering. The same goes for the mint. It is like a Hint o’ Mint! You know that it is there in the background, not hitting you over the head. It was definitely enjoyed by the ladies. Of course, that made my day and I will be adding that one to the menu selection.

 See bits of the ccokie in the cheesecake!

I have been baking bread which is SOOOOOO therapeutic for me.  No, I do NOT own a bread machine. I do most of it by hand. I don’t have any pictures of any of the loaves(pics will be posted later this week when I make the next one), but here is a picture of the bread bowl I made. I learned my lesson on that day…should have made 4 bowls, not just 2. Why you ask~we ate way too much bread!!!!  If you are interested in purchasing the bread, contact me.  We can work out the details. I also make sandwich bread with whole wheat flour and oatmeal. The soup of the day was my version Baja Chicken Tortilla Soup....VERY spicy!!

This week I will be practicing on cupcakes filled with cheesecake.  The cuppies are a new baking venture for me, but something that I have wanted to try for a while. First in the oven~red velvet cupcakes! I also have some ideas for some others too.  Keep your eyes posted for blog entries and pics!
It is SOOOOOOOOOOO great to be back in the kitchen and baking again.
Make every bite memorable!

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